Saturday Night’s Alright For fighting

Saturday Night’s Alright For fighting

Автор мелодии: Elton John


 -4   6   -5   6     4   -3   4  -3   -4
It's get-ting late have you seen my mates

-3   4  -3   4   -3  -4   -3  -3
Ma tell me when the boys get here

 -3   4  4  -3  4    4 -3  4  -3  -4
It's sev-en o'clock and I wan-na rock

 4  -3  4 -3  4  -3  -4  -3  -3
Wan-na get a bel-ly full of beer

 6  6    6     4   -3   4
My old man's drun-ker than 

-3 -3  4   4   -3  4   -3
a bar-rel full of mon-keys

 4  -   4   4 -3  -4   -3   -2
And my old la-dy she don't care

-3  4   -3   4     4   4  -3   4   4  -3  -4
My sis-ter looks cute in her brac-es and boots

-2  4   4  -3   -4   -3  -3  -3
A hand-ful of grease in her hair

  5    -5   5  -5   5  -5   6  5   5   4
Don't give us none of your ag-gra-va-tion

  4    -5  5  -5    5   6   5   4
We’ve had it with your dis-cip-line

 -5  5  -5   -5    -5   6    5    5    4
Sat-ur-day night's al-right for fight-in

 -5 5  -5  5   6  -4   4
Get a lit-tle ac-tion in

 -5 5  -5   5   -5  -5 5  6   5    4
Get a-bout as oiled as a die-sel train

 -5  5  -5   5     6  5   4
Gon-na set this dance a-light

   4    -5  5  -5    -5    -5    6  5   4
`cause sat-ur-day night's the night I like

 -5  5  -5    6     5   4    5   6    7  -7
Sat-ur-day night's al-right al-right al-right

  6     6      6     -4   4   -4  -3  4   -3  -4
Well they're packed pret-ty tight in here to-night

 -3   4  -3   4 -3  -4 -3 -3  4  -3   -4
I'm look-ing for a dol-ly to see me right

-3 -3  4  4  -3  4   4   4  -3  4   -3 -4  -4
I may use a lit-tle mus-cle to get what I need

4 -3    4 -3  4  -3    -4   -3
I may sink a lit-tle drink and 

  -3   -3   -3    -3  -4
shout out "she's with me!"

-4 6   6   6   4      4 -3  -4   4   4
A cou-ple of sounds that i real-ly like

 4   -3   4    4 -3  -4     -3  -3 -2 -4  -2  -2
Are the sound of a switch-blade and a mo-tor-bike

 4 -3  4  -3  4   4    4   4  -3   4   -3   -4
I'm a juv-en-ile pro-duct of the work-ing class

  -2    4    -3     -4   -3  -3  -3  -2 -3 -3  -2
Whose best friend floats in the bot-tom of a glass

 -6 -6  6   -6 -6  6   -6 -6  6   6   6  -5
Sat-ur-day sat-ur-day sat-ur-day sat-ur-day 

 6   6  -5  6   6  -5  -5 -5  -5  -5 -5  -5
Sat-ur-day sat-ur-day sat-ur-day sat-ur-day

 -5 -5  -5   6      5   4
Sat-ur-day night’s al-right

Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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