Sailor Moon Theme Song

Sailor Moon Theme Song

Автор мелодии: Sailor Moon
5 -6  7  8   8  -8 7  -7    -8
F--i-gh-ting e-vil by moon-light.
5 -6 7  8     8  -8  7 -7  -8
W--i-n-ning love by da-y--light.
6   7   8    8   -8  8  9   -9
Ne-ver run-ning from a real fight.
-9  8  -8   8   -8    7  -7   -6
She is the one named Sai-lor Moon.

5    -6   7  8   8   -8   7
She will ne-ver turn her back
-7 -7   -8
on a  friend.
5   -6 7   8    -8   7  -7  -8
She is al-ways there to de-fend.
5   6   7   8   8  -8  
She is the one on whom
8   8   9  -9
we can de-pend.
-9  8  -8   8   -8    7  -7   -6
She is the one named Sai-lor Moon.

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