RAIN (For Kids)

RAIN (For Kids)

Автор мелодии: John Shortis
RAIN (For Kids)   John Shortis

 -6    -6    -6   -3
Rain clouds have come 

 4   4      4     -6  -6  6   6
and have blocked out the sun and

 -5  -5  -5   5
soon it will rain

 -4 -4  4    4    4   -5
for a long long time the

 -5  -5  -5   6
sun she has gone

 6   6    5    -4    -4   4
and the rain clouds have come

  -6   -6  -6  -6   
clouds in the sky 

 4   4    4    -6  -6   6    6
now the rain’s com-ing down the 

 -5  -5  -5   5
sun she has gone 

 -4  -4    4    4    4 -5
and the floods have be-gun

 -5  -5  -5   6
sun she has gone 

 6   6    5    -4   -4  4
and the floods have be-gun

Жанр: Детские мелодии
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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