Poor Butterfly

Poor Butterfly

Автор мелодии: Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Tony Bennett
Слова: John Golden
Музыка: Raymond Hubbell

-5*   6  -6   8*
Poor but-ter-fly
   8   -7*  8*   8    -7* -7*
'Neath the blos-soms wait-ing.
 7*  -4   5   7*
Poor But-ter-fly
-4   5    7*   7  7
For she loved him so.

-6  -4   5    7   -6  7  -6
The mo-ments pass in-to hours.
-5* -5 -5*  -7* 7* -7*  7*
The ho-urs pass in-to years.
-6  7   7*   8      -7*    8   -7*
And as she smiles through her tears,
 7*  6   -6  -7*
She mur-murs low:
-5*  6   -6  8*  8   -7* 8* 8   -7*  -7*
The moon and I know that he be faith-ful
 7*  -4  5   7*  -4 5   7*  7   7
I'm sure he come to me bye and bye.
-6  5  5*  -5*   -6   -9*
But if he don't come back 
 9*  9 -9* 9*  9* -88  7 
then I nev-er sigh or cry,
7  5    7   -6
I just mus’ die.
-5-5* 8*  8   7*
Poor but-ter-fly.

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Ab

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