Polish National Anthem / Dabrowski March

Polish National Anthem / Dabrowski March

Автор мелодии: Michael Kleofas Oginski
Writen during the nadir of Polish fortunes, for the Polish corps of
Napoleon's army in Italy. Musically one of the livelier national
anthems of the world.

1st verse

5  -5   6  6   6   5 -66-55
Jeszcze Polska nie zgi-nêla,

-4 -4 6  -5 -5 5
Kiedy my zyjemy.

5  -5  6 6  6   5   -66-55
Co nam obca przemoc wziêla,

-4 -4  6 -3 -4 4
Szabla odbierzemy.


-4     -4     -5 -55 5
Marsz, marsz, Dabrowski,

-5   -5 -5  -5   6  -6 6 
Z ziemi wloskiej do Polski. 

5  6 7   -7-7-6 6
Za twoim przewodem 

6  6    -5    -3 -4 4
Zlaczym siê z narodem. 

English Translation:

Poland has not perished yet
So long as we still live
That which alien force has seized
We at sabrepoint shall retrieve

March, march, Dabrowski 
From Italy to Poland 
Let us now rejoin the nation 
Under thy command
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: F

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