Patches (chromatic)

Patches (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Dicky Lee
PATCHES chromatic
By: Barry Mann & Larry Kolber
Dickey Lee
Key: Db, D, Eb, E

Key: Db


 5*  5* -5* -6  7*
Down by the riv-er 
 7*   -7*  8* -7*  7*    -6
that flows by the coal yards.
  5*   5*  -5* -6  7*
Stand wood-en hous-es 
 7*   -7* -6*   -7*  7*
with shut-ters torn down
  8*   -9*  8* 87*
There lives a girl 
7*  7* -7*-6* -7*    7*  -6
Ev-‘ry-bod-y calls Patch-es
  5*  5* -5* -6  7*  7* -6*  -6 -5*  5*
Patch-es my dar-ling of Old Shan-ty town

Key: D

-5    -5   6  -6* -7  -7   -8
We planned to mar-ry when June 
  -9    -8  -7  -6*
brought the sum-mer
-5  -5   6   -6* -7  -7    -8  7  -8  -7
I could-n't wait to make Patch-es my bride
-9  10  -9  8*-8 -7  -7  -8-77 -8  -7  -6*
Now I don't see how that ev-er can hap-pen
-5   -5  -6* -5  -6* -7   7    -6*   6   -5
My folks say No, and my heart breaks in-side
  -9 -10*-10*10 10  9* -8 -7
Patch-es   oh  what can I do
-8  -9   -9  -9  -7  -7 7 -6*
I swear I'll al-ways love you
-5 -5   7    7   -7   -8
But a girl from that place 
 -8   -8   -7   -5  6   -6*
will just bring me dis-grace
-6*-5  -5     -5   5* -5  6   -5
So my folks won't let me love you

Key: Eb

 -5*  -5* -6  7 -7*-7*  8  -9*  8    -7* 7
Each night I cry as I think of that shan-ty
-5*  -5* -6   7   -7*  
And pret-ty Patch-es, 
  -7*     8    7*  8   -7*
they’re watch-ing the door
-9*  -10 -9* -9 9 -7* 
She does-n't know that 
-7*  8   7*  8  -7*  7
I can't come to see her
 -5* -5*  -6    7   -3* -7* 7*   7  -6  -5* 
Patch-es must think that I love her no more

Key: E

6   6 -6*  7*  -8   8*  10 8* 7*  7*   
I hear a neigh-bor tell-in my fa-ther
6    6 -6* -8   -8  -8   8*  -7  8*  -8
He says a girl name of Patch-es was found
 10  -10*  10  -9*9*-8  -8  
Float-ing face down in that 
8*-8 -7 -8 -8  7*
dirt-y old riv-er
 -4    6   6  -6*  7*   -8
That flows by the coal yards 
-8 -7   7* -6*  6 
in Old Shan-ty Town

 10 -10* 11*-10* -9*-9*9*-8
Patch-es oh what can  I  do
9*  10   10  10  -8  -8-7  7* 
I swear I'll al-ways love you
6  -7  -7  -8   8*
It may not be right 
 8*  8*   -8   6  -6*  7*
But I'll join you to-night
  6   6   6  -5*  6  -6* 6
Patch-es I'm com-ing to you
Жанр: 60-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C#

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