Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers

Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers

Автор мелодии: Harry Connick Jr.
Слова: Ballard MacDonald
Музыка: Leon Jessel

 7   6   7    7   7   -6    7    7
The toy shop door is locked up tight
 7  6   7   -8   -7  7 -6* -6   6   -5
And ev-‘ry-thing is qui-et for the night
 7    6   7  7
When sud-den-ly
 7   -5     -8      -8
The clock strikes twelve
-8   -7   -9  7
The fun's be-gun

 7    6    7  7    7    -6  7    7
The dolls are in their best ar-rayed
   7      7   7  -8 -7 7  -6* -6  6   -5
There's going to be a won-der-ful pa-rade
 7   6   7   7
Hark to the drum
7    -5   -8   -8    -8  -7  -9  7
Oh, here they come cries ev-‘ry-one

 7    8    6   -7    7
Hear them all cheer-ing
 7   8    6   -7   7
Now they are near-ing
   7     7   7   8     8   -8   -8
There's the cap-tain stiff as starch
 7 -9  -6    -7    7
Bay-o-net's flash-ing
7  -9  -6  -7    7
Mu-sic is crash-ing
7   7    7  -9  -9   8     8
As the wood-en sold-iers march
 7   8  6  -7    7
Sab-res a-clink-ing
 7    8   6  -7   7
Sol-diers a-wink-ing
7   7    7   8   8  -8   -8
At each pret-ty lit-tle maid

 -8   -8   -8    -8   -8   -8
Here they come, here they come
 -4   -4   -4    -4   -4   -4
Here they come, here they come
 -8  -8 -8   -7   7  -6*  6
Wood-en sol-diers on pa-rade

 7    8   6   -7    7
Day-light is creep-ing, 
 7    8   6   -7    7
doll-ies are sleep-ing
7   7   7   8    8  -8   -8
in the toy shop win-dow fast
 7   -9   -6 -7  7
sol-diers so jol-ly
  7   -9  -6  -7  7
think of each dol-ly
  7    7  7  -9   -9      8    8
Dream-ing of the night that’s past
 7   8   6   -7   7
when in the morn-ing 
 7    8  6  -7   7
with-out a warn-ing
 7   7    7   10  10  -9   -9
Toy-man pulls the win-dow shade
  8     8   8   -7   -7   7   -6 
there’s no sign the Wood bri-gade
 6  -5 6  -6  7  -7 -8  8
was ev-er out up-on pa-rade

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Жанр: Рождественские
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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