Over the Rainbow – accurate

Over the Rainbow – accurate

Автор мелодии: Arlen & Harburg
Over the Rainbow (Arlen & Harburg) Eb
| 4/4 |

Some where |o-ver the rain-bow |
Some where |o-ver the rain-bow |
4+   7+    |7 6+  6   7    7+  |

way  up   |high|
skies are |blue| 
4+   6    |6+  |

There's a  |land   that I   heard of|
And    the |dreams that you dare to |
3”     5   |5+     4+   4   5+    5 |

once  in   a  lull-a- | by |
dream really  do come |true|
4     3    4+ 4   5+  |4+  |

some- |day i'll wish up on a  star  and| 
6+    |5+  6+   5+   6+ 5+ 6+ 5+    6+ |

wake up where the clouds are far be- |hind me |
5    6+ 5     6+  5      6+  5   6+  |6    6  |

Where |trou-bles melt like lem-mon drops a-|
6+    |5+   6+   5+   6+   5+  6+  5+    6+|
way a-bove the chim-ney tops, that’s| 
5#  6 5#   6   5#   6   5#    6     |

where you'll |find me| 
7     7      |8    6 |

Some-where | o-ver the rain-bow |
4+   7+    | 7  6+  6  7    7+  |

blue-birds | fly| 
4+   6     | 6+ |
Birds fly | o-ver the rain-bow| 
3”    5   | 5+ 4+ 4   5+   5  |

why, then why, can't | I?| 
4    3    4+   5+    | 4+|

+ = blow
' = one 1/2 step bend
" = two 1/2 steps bend
# = overbend 

If you have trouble with the overbend, 
just play a draw and that will be close
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Средняя

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