Only You (from Star Light Express)

Only You (from Star Light Express)

Автор мелодии: Andrew Lloyd Webber

  5  -5b 5  -5b -6b  -5
Pearl I had to find you 

 4   6   -4   5   -5b
Why you look-ing blue

4   4  4   5  -5b  5   4    4     -4    -5
Im sor-ry you nev-er found your dream train

 5 -5b 5  -5b  -6b   -5
Rus-ty I have found him

-4   -4   5   -4   5  -5b
But you were look-ing too

-5b -5b  -5b   5    4   4
For the star light ex-press

 4   4   -5b   5   -5  -5
Did you have much suc-cess

 5 -5   -6b -6b  -5 -6b
Yes I found him  O. K

-5  -5  -6b  -5  -6b  7 654
Now im brave en-ough to say 

7   7 -6b
on-ly you

 -5  -6b -5 -5   4  5   -5
have the po-wer to move me

-6b -5 -6b  -5  -6b   -5  -5b  -5
and to-geth-er we’ll make the whole 

  -5   -5  -6b 5  -4  4
World move in sym-pa-thy

 4   4  -5b  5   -4  4    5
You and me we’ll be sub-lime

765  7 -6b -5 -6b -5 -5  4   5   -5
On- ly he has the po-wer to move me

-6b -6b -6b  -5  -5  -5b
Take me make me hold me

 -5   -5  -5 -6b  4   4
Mould me and im-prove me 

 7  7 765  7    7  -5  5  4   -4   4
On-ly you have the po-wer to move me

Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: C

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