No, Not Much!

No, Not Much!

Автор мелодии: The Four Lads, The Vogues
W: Al Stillman
M: Robert Allen
The Four Lads, The Vogues
Key: Eb

7  -3*   5   -5 -5* -6   7    8
I don't want my arms a-round you, 
8  -7*  -7*
no not much 
7  -3*    5   -5  -5* -6  7    8
I don't bless the day I found you, 
8  -7* -7*
no not much 
-7* 7*   7*   7
I don't need you 
  7  -6   -6    -5*   -5  -6  -5*
like the stars don't need the sky 
7  -6    -6  -5*
I won't love you 
-5*  -5  -5   5   8  7* -6
Long-er than the day I die 

 7   -3*    5    -5  -5* -6     7    8 
You don't please me when you squeeze me, 
8  -7* -7*
no not much 
8   8*    8   -7*   7*
My heads the light-est 
  7   -6   6  5   8    -7*   7* 
from your ver-y slight-est touch 
8 -7*  7*  7  -6 7  7*
Ba-by, if you ev-er go 
 -7*  7* 7   -6    6  -6 7
could I take it?  May-be so 
5   -6    7*  8   8  -5  -5* -6  -5*
Ah, but would I like it, no not much
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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