Neighbor, What Has You So Excited (chro)

Neighbor, What Has You So Excited (chro)

Автор мелодии: Trad. French Christmas Carol
Trad. French Christmas Carol
Key: F

  4    -3    -3*  4  -5  4 -3* -3  3
Neigh-bour, what has you so ex-cit-ed?
-3 -3*  3    -2
Do tell me please. 
  4   -3 -3*   4  -5  4  -3* -3
Have-n’t you heard a Boy is born 
  3  -3  -3*  3  -2
that all want to see?

-2  2 -2  3    3   4  -3* -3   3
Son of a pure and mod-est vir-gin, 
-3  -3* -3   3
Mar-y’s her name
 -2   2  -2  3  3  4  -3* -3   3
They say her Ba-by is the Sav-ior 
 -3   -3*  3    -2
Proph-ets pro-claim

4    -3  -3*  4   -5  4  -3* -3   3
It would be pleas-ant to go with you, 
 -3 -3*  3   -2
Like-ly I’ll go
 4  -3 -3*  4   -5   4  -3* -3    3
But can we take our time to see them?
-3  -3* 3  -2
Why hur-ry so?

 -2   2   -2   3   3   4   -3* -3  3
Have you some cake to take the In-fant?
-3 -3*  -3     3
Sug-ar-plums, too?
-2   2    -2   3   3    4   -3* -3  3
I’m sure that Mar-y’s house is love-ly, 
-3 -3* 3  -2
Ti-dy and new

I am afraid that you’re mistaken, 
wrong as can be
This blessed maiden has no splendid 
rich place to stay
For she lies within a wretched stable 
dirty and poor
There is no table for your presents, 
only the floor
Surely she has a warm soft cradle there 
for the child
One has to rock and calm an infant
so weak and so mild
What sort of guards and servants
has she to give her aid?
Cannot the heavenly father’s power 
help the poor maid?
All they could think to find for a cradle – 
a manger bed
Bundle of dusty, dry straw to pillow his head
Joseph, her husband, he cares for Mary 
best as he can
In place of servant, ox and donkey are looking on
Traveling tires me, and this journey 
seems a long way
Only to see a new-born baby lying on hay
Maybe you shepherds find excitement in this affair
But I am used to things much better 
in which to share
You must not talk that way, my neighbor
- mark what I say
Upon my honour, this is our saviour 
born on this day
It is his choice to come so humbly 
there in a stall
Granting his power and grace so gently 
to one and all
O blessed mother, free us all from arrogant pride
 May we, when life on earth is ended,
hasten to your side
Daring to hope you will present us 
to your dear son
And that we’ll gain the bliss and joy 
of paradise won
Жанр: Рождественские
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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