My Mammy

My Mammy

Автор мелодии: Al Jolson
Слова: Sam Lewis, Joe Young
Музыка: Walter Donaldson

 4  -4  -3  3
Mam-my, Mam-my, 
 3  -3    -3    3     3  -3    -3    3
The sun shines east, the sun shines west, 
 3   -3     3      2    1   2     2    -1
But I’ve learned where the sun shines best
-2  2   -4  -3
Mam-my, mam-my, 
-5  -5     -5     5*  5   -4
My heart-strings are tang-led 
4   2   3 -4 -3  3
a-round Al-a-bam-y. 
 3  -2  2  3
I'se a com-in', 
-3* -3  3  -3  -3* -3*  -3*
Sor-ry that I made you wait. 
 -3  3 -2  -3
I'se a com-in', 
 4   -4   -3  -4   4  -3   -4
Hope and pray I'm not too late, 
 4  -4  -3  3
Mam-my, Mam-my, 
 3*  -3 -4  4   4     4
I'd walk a mil-lion miles 
-3   3  -3  -4    4
For one of your smiles, 
-3 -5  5
My Mam-my!

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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