My Cup Runneth Over (chromatic)

My Cup Runneth Over (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: George Jones, Perry Como
W: Tom Jones
M: Harvey Schmidt 
From: I DO! I DO!
George Jones, Perry Como
Key: C

 3     2   1   3   2    1    
Some-times in the morn-ing  
 3    -3   3   3   3
When shad-ows are deep 
3  4   -5  6   -4   3
I lie here be-side you 
 2    -3    3   3    3
Just watch-ing you sleep. 
 3   4    -5   6  -4   3
And some-times I whis-per 
 2   -2    3   -3  3
What I'm think-ing of 
3   2   1  3 2 -1  1   1    4
My cup run-neth o-ver with love 

 3     2   1   3   2   1 
Some-times in the eve-ning 
  3  -3  3   3   3
when you do not see, 
3  4  -5  6   -4     3
I stud-y the small things 
 2  -3  3    3   3
you do con-stant-ly. 
3  4  -5  6  -4   3
I mem-or-ize mo-ments 
 2   -2    3  -3  3
that I'm fond-est of, 
3   2   1   3 2 -1 1   1    4
My cup run-neth ov-er with love. 

In only a moment when we both will be old. 
We won’t even notice the world turning cold. 
And so in this moment with light from above, 
My cup runneth over with love
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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