Mean To Me

Mean To Me

Автор мелодии: Judy Garland
By Fred Ahlert & Roy Turk
Judy Garland
Key: F

3*      -3   1 -1
You’re mean to me.
-3*  -1  -1* 2   4   2  -2
Why must you be mean to me?
-5   -2  3  3*   -3  1  -1
Gee, hon-ey it seems to me
-3*   4 -3*  3  -3  3  -2
You love to see me cry-in’.
3  -3     3   4 -3   1   -1
I don’t know why I stay home
-3*    -1   -1*  2   4    2     -2
Each night when you say you’ll phone,
-5   -2    3   3*  -3  1  -1
You don’t and I'm left a-lone
-3*  4   -3*   4   -3    3  -2
Sing-in’ the blues and sigh-in’.
-5    -5  4   4  -3*
You treat me cold-ly
-5    -5 4*  4  -3*
Each day in the year.
-3* -3* -3   -3   3
You al-ways scold me,
-3* -3* -3  -3  -1  2 -2   3    3*
When-ev-er some-bod-y is near, dear.
-3  1   -1  -3*  -1
It must be great fun
-1* 2  4   2  -2
To be mean to me,
-5    -2    3    3*   -3   1  -1
You should-n’t, for can’t you see
-2    -3   4  -3 -3 -2
What you mean to me.

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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