Makin’ Whoopee

Makin’ Whoopee

Автор мелодии: Eddie Cantor
3  3   3   5     3  3   3  -5
An-oth-er bride, an-oth-er June,
 3  3   3  6   6  -4  4  6
An-oth-er sun-ny hon-ey moon,
 6  6  -5  5   5
An-oth-er sea-son, 
 4  4   4  -5  -5
An-oth-er rea-son,
 5   -5  5    6    5 
For Mak-in' Whoop-ee.
3  3   3   5
A lot of shoes,
3  3   3  -5
A lot of rice,
 3    3    3  6    6
The groom is ner-vous,
 4 -4   4     6
He an-swers twice,
  6    6  -5  5    5
It's real-ly kill-ing,
  4    4   4  -5   -5
That he's so will-ing,
 5  -5    6    4
To Make Whoop-ee.

 6   -6  6  -6   6  -5   -5
Pic-ture a litt-le love nest,
 -5    6    -5  6  -5   5
Down where the ros-es cling,
 6   -6   6   -6    6    -5   -5
Pic-ture the same sweet love nest,
  -5    6 -5  6    -5   5
Think what a year can bring,
  3    3   3    5  5
He's wash-ing dish-es,
 3   3  3     -5
And ba-by's clothes,
  3   3  3  6   6 
He's so am-bi-tious,
 4 -4  4  6
He ev-en sews,
 6    6   -5   5     5
But don't for-get, folks,
   4     4   4  -5    -5
That's what you get, folks,
 5   -5  5    6    5
For Mak-in' Whoop-ee!!!

For your $1 Harmonica Booklets.
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: D

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