

Автор мелодии: Albert Collins, Little Richard, Johnny Winter
By: Richard Penniman & Albert Collins
Little Richard, Johnny Winter
Key: C

-3*  -3*    3   -3  -3* -3   3   -2   3 2  
Lu-cille, won’t you do your sis-ter’s will
4  -2*-2-1*1   3   -3  -3* -3  -2   -2   3 2 
Oh Lu-cille, won’t you do your sis-ter’s will
-3*   3  -3* 3 -3*  3   -3*
Well you ran a-way and left
3-2 -1*  1    1
I  love you still

-3*  -3*     3    -3  -3*   -3    3  -2  3 2  
Lu-cille, please come back where you be-long
4  -2*-2-1*1   3     -3  -3*    -3  -2  -2  3 2 
Oh Lu-cille, please come back where you be-long
-3* 3  -3*  3  -3* 3  -3*
I been good to you ba-by
   3     -2   -1* -1* 1   1 
Please don't leave me a-lone

Well, I woke up this morning, 
Lucille was not in sight
I asked my friends about her but 
all their lips were tight

-3*  -3*     3    -3  -3*   -3    3  -2  3 2  
Lu-cille, please come back where you be-long
-3* 3  -3*  3  -3* 3  -3*
I been good to you ba-by
   3     -2   -1* -1* 1   1 
Please don't leave me a-lone

Well, I woke up this morning, 
Lucille was not in sight
I asked my friends about her but 
all their lips were tight

-3*  -3*     3    -3  -3*   -3    3  -2  3 2  
Lu-cille, please come back where you be-long
-3* 3  -3*  3  -3* 3  -3*
I been good to you ba-by
   3     -2   -1* -1* 1   1 
Please don't leave me a-lone

-3*  -3*  3  -3 -3* -3 3  -2  3 2
Lu-cille, ba-by sat-is-fy my heart
4  -2*-2-1*1 3  -3 -3* -3 3  -2  3 2
Oh Lu-cille, ba-by sat-is-fy my heart
3   -3*   3  -3* 3 -3*
I slaved for you ba-by
-3*   3   3   -2 -2 -1* -1*  1    1
And gave you such a won-der-ful start
Жанр: Блюз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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