Limehouse Blues

Limehouse Blues

Автор мелодии: Furber & Braham
W: Douglas Furber
M: Philip Braham

Oh, Lime-house kid
-2   3     3*   -2
Oh, oh, oh Lime-house kid
3   3*  -2   3   3*   -2
Go-in' the way
-2 3    3*  -2
That the rest of them did
3     3*  -2  3   3*  -2
Poor bro-ken blos-som
-1*   -2  3   3*  -3* 
And no-bod-y's child
-4  4   -4 -3*   3*
Haunt-ing and taunt-ing
-2     3   3*  -3   -3*
You're just kind of wild
4       -3*  -3  3*  3
Oh, oh, oh Lime-house blues
-2  -2  -2   3   3*    -2
I've the real Lime-house blues
3     3*  -2   3     3*    -2
Can't seem to shake off
3*     -3* 4   3*   -3*
Those sad Chi-na blues
4      3* -3* 4   3*
Rings on your fin-gers
-5*   -5 -5*   -6 -5*
And tears for your crown
5     5*   5   5*   -3*
That is the sto-ry
5*   5   5* -5* 5
Of old Chi-na-town
-3* 3*  3* 3*  3*


An acoustic instrumental version;
Жанр: Блюз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Ab

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