Lady (chromatic)

Lady (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Jack Jones
W: Larry Kusik & Charles Singleton 
M: Bert Kaempfert & Herbert Rehbein
Jack Jones
Key: C

2  -1    -1   1    1  -1 -1
La-dy, you're in love to-day 
 2   2  -1  -1   1      
but what a-bout your 
 1   -1  -1   2  -2   3
brok-en heart to-mor-row?
 -2   2    2   -1   -1  2   2   -2  -2   3
Why waste all your love-li-ness on some-one 
3  -3  -3  -4   4  -5   6
if he real-ly does-n't care?
 6  -5  -5   5  5  -5  -5 
Let me take you in my arms 
 6   6  -5  -6   6  -5   5  -4
and let me love you ten-der-ly, 
-5    5    -4
and you'll see.
 4  -4   -4  -3  -3  -4 
All the joys of life you
-4  4    4   -4  -5    4     -4   -3  3
Nev-er found be-fore you'll find with me.

2  -1   -1  1   1   -1 -1
La-dy, take my love to-day 
 2   2  -1  -1   1   1  -1  -1   2  -2 3
and let me give you hap-pi-ness for-ev-er.
-2  2   2  -1   -1   2  2  -2   -2
Ev-'ry day you wait, a lit-tle love 
3    3  3    -3  -4    4  -5  6 
we could be shar-ing slips a-way.
 7   -6  -6   6   6    -6
Why find out too late that 
 -6   7     7    -6*  -7
what you thought was love 
 7   -6  6  -5   -5  6  -6
was just a brief fan-ta-sy?
 6  -5  -5   5    5
I'm in love with you, 
-5  -5  5  5  -4
So love-ly la-dy, 
 -4   -3   -3  -4  5    -5  5
won't you fall in love with me.
Жанр: 60-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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