just when i needed you

just when i needed you

Автор мелодии: randy vanwarmer
3     5    5  5   5 -5   -5  6
you packed in the morning and i
   5    5   5   5-5   -5  6
stared out the window and i
  5   5    5   5   -5    6  4
struggled for something to say
 4   -6  -6 -6   -7   -7 7    5  -4   4    4
you left in the rain without closing the door
-4 -4     -4    5  -5   5
i didn`t stand in your way
   3   5   5   5    5  -5   6   5     5   5  5
`cause i miss you more than i missed you before
-5   6    5     5    5   5  4  -66-5  -5
and now where i`ll find comfort,god knows
   4    7    5  -44  5    5  5  5 -4   4   4
`cause you left me just when i needed you most
 7   5  -44   5   5   5  5 -4   4   4
you left me just when i needed you most.
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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