Just The Two Of Us

Just The Two Of Us

Автор мелодии: Bill Withers
3* 3*  3*  3    3   3*   -3*   4
I see the crys-tal rain-drops fall
 4* -5*  -6 -5* 5 -3*  3*
And the beau-ty of it all
3*  4    4  -3*   3*   4   -3*  3* -2
Is when the sun comes shin-ing through
3*  3*    3*   3    3   3* -3* 4
To make those rain-bows in my mind
 4* -5* -6  -5*  4   -3*  3*
When I think of you some time
 3* 4  -3* 3*  -3*   3*   4    -3* 3*-2
And I want to spend some time with you

4-3*  3* -3* 3* 3* 
Just the two of us
-5* 5  -5*  5 -5* -5*-6-5*
We can make it if we  try
 4    3* -3* 3* 3*   -3*  3* -3* 3* -2
Just the two of us, just the two of us
-6-5* 4  -6 -5* 5
Just the two of us
 -6   -5* -6  -5*  5  -3* -3*
Build-ing cas-tles in the sky
 -6  -5* -3* 3* 3*   5  -3* 3*
Just the two of us, you and I
Жанр: Соул
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Ab

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