Journey Thru The Past (chromatic)

Journey Thru The Past (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Neil Young
By: Neil Young
Key: D

 -5   6   6  -6*  -6*
When the win-ter rains
  7    6   6    6
come pour-in' down
-6* -5  -5   -5  -3  -4
On that new home of mine,
 -5   6   -6*  -3 7-6*
Will you think of  me
-6*6 6  -3 6-6* -6*-3 -5
and won-der if   I'm fine?
 -5   6    -6*  -6*  -6*
Will your rest-less heart
  7  -6*6 6  6 -3 
come back to mine
6 -6* -5  -5   -5  -3   -4
On a jour-ney thru the past.
 -5  6  -6*  -3  7 -6*6   6
Will I still be in your eyes
-3  -6* -6*-5 -5
and on  your mind?

-6*  6  6  -6*  -6*  7  6  6  6
Now I'm go-ing back to Can-a-da
-6*-6* -5  -5   -5  -3   -4
On  a jour-ney thru the past
-5  6  -6*  -3 7-6*
And I won't be back
-6*6  6  -3 6-6*-6*-3  -5 
till Feb-ru- ar-  y  comes
-5  6   -6* -6*  -6*
I will stay with you
7    7    -6*6   6  6-3 
if you'll stay with me,
  6  -6* -5   -5  -5 -3   -4
Said the fid-dler to the drum,
-5    6    -6*  -3    7
And we'll keep good time
-6*6   6  -3  -6* -6*-5 -5
on a jour-ney thru the past.

 -5   6  -6* -6*  -6*
When the win-ter rains
  7  -6*  7    -5
come pour-in' down
6-5 -5   3    3  -3  -4
On that new home of mine,
 -5  6  -6*  -3  7 -6*6   6
Will I still be in your eyes
-3  6  -6*-5  -5
and on your mind?
-5   6  -6*  -3  7 -6*6   6
Will I still be in your eyes
-3  -6* -6*-5 -5 
and on  your mind?
Жанр: 70-е
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: D

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