Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me

Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me

Автор мелодии: Edward Hopper, J.E. Gould
numbers in parenthesis are slurred together.

-7 -6   6  -5 (-66)  5  -4
Je-sus Saviour pi - lot me, 
7 -7   -7    -6  6  -5    6
o-ver live’s tempestuous sea
-6 -6    -6   -4 5   -4   6 
unknown waves before me roll
-6 -6  -6   -4   5      -4   6 
hiding rock and treacherous shoal
 -7    -6  6  -5  (-66) 5    -4  
chart and compass come from thee
7 -7   -7  -6   6  -5  6
Jesus, Saviour, pi-lot me.

As mother stills her child
thou canst hush the ocean wild;
boist’rous waves obey thy will
when thou say’st to them “be still”
wond’rous soverign of the sea
Jesus, Saviour, pilot me.

When at last I near the shore
and the fearful breakers roar
‘twixt me and the peaceful rest
then, when leaning on thy breast
may I hear thee say to me, 
“Fear not, I will pilot thee.”
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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