In The Field With Their Flocks Abiding

In The Field With Their Flocks Abiding

Автор мелодии: Trad. Christmas Carol
Trad. Christmas Carol
Key: F

-3 -3*   4    -3    3     -2  3   1   1
In the field with their flocks a-bid-ing,
-2 3 -3  -3 -3  -3* 3   4
They lay on the dew-y ground;
-3-3* 4    -33  -2  3   3   1-1   1
And glim-m’ring un-der the star-light,
2-3  -3   -3*   3   3   -2
The sheep lay white a-round;
  3   3    -3  4   4   -4     -3    3-2   2
When the light of the Lord streamed o’er them,
 1   2    2   2   -2  -1 -1  3
And lo! From the heav-en a-bove,
3  -3  4    -4    -3  -3  3-3  2
An an-gel leaned from the glo-ry,
 1    2   2   -2  -1   3 
And sang his song of love.
1   -2    -2    3     3   -3 -3*  4
He sang, that first sweet Christ-mas,
 4   -3*  -3*  -3*  -3  -3   3
The song that shall nev-er cease.

-2   -2 -2  3  3   3  -3-3* 4
“Glo-ry to God in the high-est,
-3*  -3  -3*    3   3   -2
On earth good will and peace.”

“To you in the city of David
A Savior is born today!”
And sudden a host of the heavenly ones
Flashed forth to join the lay.
O never hath sweeter message
Thrilled home to the souls of men
And the heavens themselves had never heard
A gladder choir till then.
For they sang that Christmas carol
That never on earth shall cease.


And the shepherds came to the manger,
And gazed on the Holy Child;
And calmly o’er that rude cradle
The virgin mother smiled;
And the sky in the starlit silence,
Seemed full of the angel lay:
“To you in the City of David
A Savior is born today!”
O they sang, and we pray that never
The carol on earth shall cease.

Жанр: Рождественские
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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