In The Blue Of Evening

In The Blue Of Evening

Автор мелодии: Tommy Dorsy, Frank Sinatra
W: Tom Adair
M: D’Atega
Tommy Dorsey, Frank Sinatra
Key: F

-4  5   8   -7  7*  7*
In the blue of eve-ning 
7    -6  6   7    -6   6  -5
when you ap-pear close to me, 
5*   -7*
dear one,
-7    7  -6   6
There in the dusk 
-6     -5  -5  -7   -6* 7  8 
We’ll share a dream rev-er-ie,
-4  5   8   -7  7*  7*
In the blue of eve-ning 
7      -6    6   7
while crick-ets call 
-6    6   -5   5*  -7*
and stars are fall-ing,
-7      7   -6   6   -6  -9
There neath the star-lit sky 
-5      -7  6  7-6
You’ll come to me.
-6  5   5*  -6 -7*  7*  -6*   -6    -5* 
In the sha-dows of the night we’ll stand, 
7*    -6*   -6   -5*
I’ll touch your hand.
5*   7*    -7  6  -6  -7   -9  8  -7*
And then, soft-ly as your love-ly eyes 
-7   7     8  -7*  -7    7  -6  8
En-treat, our lips will meet a-gain.
-4  5   8   -7  7*  7*
In the blue of eve-ning, 
7      -6   6  7    -6   6 -5  5*   8  
night winds a-bove whis-per I love you,
-7     7   -6   6  -6  -9
There will we find ro-mance 
5* -5   -7  6   7   -6
in the blue of eve-ning.
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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