I’m Old Fashioned

I’m Old Fashioned

Автор мелодии: Glenn Miller, Ella Fitzgerald
W: Johnny Mercer
M: Jerome Kern
Glenn Miller, Ella Fitzgerald
Key: F

I am not such a clever one
About the latest fads
I admit I was never one
Adored by local lads

Not that I ever try to be a saint
I'm the type that they classify as quaint

-6   5    5    5
I'm old fash-ioned
5  -7   5   5     5
I love the moon-light
5  -7* -7   5   5    -7     7
I love the old fash-ioned things
 6    7   -6  6   -5 7 -7  7  -6   6
The sound of rain up-on a win-dow pane
-5  -7*  8   -7*  -7  7  -6    8
The star-ry song that Ap-ril sings
 -9    -6   -6   -6
This year's fan-cies
 6   -7   6   6    6
Are pass-ing fan-cies
-5   4*  -3   -5    6    5*  -6  
But sigh-ing sighs hold-ing hands
  7*  6   -7   -7* 7     8   
These my heart un-der-stands
-6   5   5     5    5 -7   5    5   5
I'm old fash-ioned but I don't mind it
  5     8 -9  8   -6 -7
That's how I want to be
7   8   -9  8  -6 -7
As long as you a-gree
7   8    5   5     5    5   -6
To stay old fash-ioned with me

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: F

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