I Still Haven’t Found What I’m (chrom)

I Still Haven’t Found What I’m (chrom)

Автор мелодии: Looking For U2
W: Bono
M: U2
Key: D

-6* -7  -7 -6*  -8  -7   -7   -6*
I have climbed high-est moun-tains
-6* -7 -7-6*  -8   -7   -6*
I have run through the fields
-6* 6 -5  6  -5  -5
On-ly to be with you
-6* 6 -5  6  -5  -5
On-ly to be with you
-6* -7 -7-6* -8 -7   -6*
I have run   I have crawled
-6* -7 -7 -6*  -8   -7 -6* 6 -5
I have scaled these ci-ty walls
 -8   -7 -6* 6 -5
These ci-ty walls
-6* 6 -5  6  -5  -5
On-ly to be with you

-5 -5  -7    7   -6*  -5
But I still have-n't found 
 -4  -4   -4  -5  -5
what I'm look-ing for
-5 -5  -7    7   -6*  -5 
But I still have-n't found 
 -4  -4   -4   -5 -5
what I'm look-ing for

-6* -7 -7 -6* -8  -7 -7-6*
I have kissed hon-ey lips
 -6* -7   -7  -6* -8  -7   -6*
Felt the heal-ing fin-ger-tips
-6*  6    -5 6  -5
It burned like fire
 -6*  -6*  6  -5 6 -5
This burn-ing de-sire

-6* -7 -7-6* -6*  -6*  -8    -7 -6* -6*
I have spoke with the tongue of an-gels
-6* -7 -7-6*-6*  -8  -7 -6*  6  -5
I have held the hand of the dev-il
-8 -8   -8 -7-6* 6  -5
It was warm in the night
-6*-6*-6*6 -5 6  -5
I was cold as a stone

-5 -5  -7    7   -6*  -5
But I still have-n't found 
 -4  -4   -4  -5  -5
what I'm look-ing for
-5 -5  -7    7   -6*  -5 
But I still have-n't found 
 -4  -4   -4   -5 -5
what I'm look-ing for

-6*-6*  -7  -6* -6*  -8  -7 -7-6*
I  be-lieved in the King-dom Come
 -6* -6* -7  -7  -7   -6*  -8   -7 -7 -6*
Then all the col-ors will bleed in-to one
 -6*  6  -5 6-5
Bleed in-to one
-6* -6*  6   -5    6   -5
But yes I'm still run-ning

-6*  -6*  -7  -7-6*
You broke the bonds
-6* -6*   -8   -7   -6*
And you loosed the chains
-6* -6* -7 -7-6* 
Car-ry the cross
-8 -7-6*6-5  -8-7-6* 6-5
Of my shame  Of my shame   
-6*  -6* 6 -5   6   -5
You know I be-lieve it

-5 -5  -7    7   -6*  -5
But I still have-n't found 
 -4  -4   -4  -5  -5
what I'm look-ing for

-5 -5  -7    7   -6*  -5 
But I still have-n't found 
 -4  -4   -4   -5 -5
what I'm look-ing for

-5 -5  -7    7   -6*  -5
But I still have-n't found 
 -4  -4   -4  -5  -5
what I'm look-ing for
Жанр: Рок
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: D

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