I Still Call Australia Home (Original V

I Still Call Australia Home (Original V

Автор мелодии: Peter Allen
I Still Call Australia Home   Peter Allen

For Aussie
& George D!!

  5    5   5  4   5    -4  -4  4   4     4
I’ve been to cit-ies that nev-er close down 

  4   -5b -5b -5b 5 5  5   5   -4  4   -4
From new york to Ri-o and old lon-don town
 4  -4  5   5   5   -4  5  -4   4  4  -5b
But no mat-ter how far or how wide I roam

4   6     6   5  -5b  -4   4
I still call Aus-tra-lia home

 5  5  4     5   -4  4   -4  4   4   4
Im al-ways trav-‘lin I love be-ing free

 5 -5b -5b -5b    5  -5b  5   5   -4   4  -4
And so  I  keep leav-ing the sun and the sea

 4  -4   5     5   5    -4 -4 4   4   -6b
But my heart lies wait-ing o-ver the foam

4   6     6   5  -5b  -4   4
I still call Aus-tra-lia home

 6    6   6   5   -6b   6
All the sons and daugh-ters

 6    6      6   -5b   6
Spin-ning ‘round the world

-5b 6   6    6    5  -4  4     4
a-way from their fam-ly and friends

 4   6  6   -5b    5  -5b 6   4  -5b  6
but as the world gets ol-der and col-der

 5   5   -5b  6    6     6   -5b  5   -4
its good to know where your jour-ney ends

 4   5    5    4    -4  5 -4  -4   4  4    4
but some-day we’ll all be to-geth-er once more

 4   -5b -5b -5b  5     4    5  -4  4    4
when all of the ships come back to the shore

4  5 5   5   -4    5    -4  4  4    -6b
I re-al-ize some-thing ive al-ways known

4   6     6   5  -5b  -4   4
I still call Aus-tra-lia home
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Средняя
Ключ гармошки: F

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