House of New Orleans

House of New Orleans

Автор мелодии: The Animals

Tabbed by Mark Purintun For the full song, go to:

Verse 1: 5 -6 -7 7 8 -8 -6 -6 There is a house in New Orleans -10 -10 -10 9 8 8 They call the Rising Sun. -10 -10 -10 -7 7 8 -8-6 -6 -6 -6 And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy -6 -6 -6 6#5 6 -6 And God, I know I'm one. Verse 2: -10 10 -10 9 7 -8 -6 -6 -10 -10 9 8 8 My mother was a tailor sewed my new blue jeans. -10 -10 -10 9 7 -8-6 -6 -67 -6 -6 6#5 6 -6 My fa ther was a gam blin' man down in New Orleans
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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