

Автор мелодии: Wallace & Weeks
By Oliver Wallace & Harold Weeks
Key: C

4   -3   3    2     3    -3
Hin-du-stan, where we stopped 
-4   2   3  -3-4   2  3 -3
to rest our tired car-a-van,
-5  -4  -3     3    -3   -4  -5  4   -3
Hin-du-stan, where the paint-ed pea-cock 
4       -3  2
spread his fan,
4   -3   3     3   -3  -3*  -5  3   -3*
Hin-du-stan, where the pur-ple sun-bird 
2       3  -3*   -5  -5
flashed a-cross the sand, 
6   -5  3*     3   3* -3  4
Hin-du-stan, where I met her 
-2  -3    6   -5  5
and the world be-gan.
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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