He Don`t Love You (Like I Love You)

He Don`t Love You (Like I Love You)

Автор мелодии: Jerry Butler
 -7   -6   6       -6  6   -6     -7-7
Fare thee well     I know you`re leaving
-7  -6  -7   6    -5    6     -6
For the new love that you`ve found
 -4   -7  -7  -8   -4    -7    -6   6 -6
That handsome guy that you`ve been dating
  6   6 -6  -7 -7  -6    6 5   6  -6   6
I`ve got a feeling he`s gonna put you down
-7  -6     6   6     -7 -6  6    6    -7 -7 -7
He Don`t Love You   Like I Love You   If he did 
-6  6  5     -6    -7   -6
he wouldn`t break your heart
-7  -7   -7-8 -7-6 6   -6 -6   6  -6    -7
He Don`t Love You~~~  Like I Love You   He`s
 -7-7  -6   6  -6 -6 6
trying to tear us apart.
He uses all the great quotations
He says things I wish I could say
But he`s had so many rehearsals
Girls to him it`s just lover`s play
And when the final act is over
And you`re left standing all alone
When he takes his bow and makes his exit
I`ll be there to take you home

Watch Jerry sing this on Youtube "Jerry Butler He Will Break Your
Heart (1960)" diferent title same song
Жанр: Соул
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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