Handy Man

Handy Man

Автор мелодии: James Taylor
By Otis Blackwell & Jimmy Jones

Hey girls, gath-er round
-7* -7* 7   -7* 8    7
Be-cause of what I’m put-tin’  down
5    5   5   -5* -6   7  -6   7-6-5*
Oh, ba-by, I’m your hand-y  man
-7* 5  -5* -3*  -5   -6  7 7-6-5*

I’m not the kind that us-es pen-cil or rule
7   -7*  7   -7*  7   -7* 7 -7*  -7 8  7-6-5*
I’m hand-y with the love and I’m no fool
5   -5* -6  7   -6    7  -6  7    7  -5*
I  fix bro-ken hearts, 
-5*-3*  4   4    -5*
I know I real-ly  can
4  -3* -5  -6 7  7-6-5*

If your brok-en heart needs re-pair
-5* -5*  7*  7*  7*     7*  7*  7*
I’m the man to see
-9*  -9  8   7 -7*
I whis-per sweet things, 
-5* 7* 7*    7*    7*
you tell all your friends
-5*  7*   7*  7*    7*
And they’ll come run-nin’ to  me
-5*   -6     -6   8   8   -7* 8 11 -10 -9*

Here is the main thing I want to  say
-9*  -9*-9*  -9    8  -7* -7* -7* 7-6-5*
I’m bu-sy twent-y four hours a  day
5   -5*-6   7  -6 7 -6 7 -6  7 7-6-5*
I  fix brok-en hearts, 
-5* 3*   4  4   -5*
I know I real-ly can
4  -3* -5 -6  7  7-6-5* 

James Taylor singing
Жанр: Поп
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Eb

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