Going My Way

Going My Way

Автор мелодии: Frank Sinatra
By: Johnny Burke & Jimmy Van Heusen
Frank Sinatra
Key: Bb

 -3   4    -3*  3   2    3   -2
This road leads to Rain-bow-ville, 
1  -2  -1  3
Go-ing my way?
-3 4  -3* 3   2    3    -2
Up a-head is Blue-bird Hill, 
1  -2  -1  3
Go-ing my way?
 3    4  -3* -3 -2   -5  4  -3* -3*
Just pick a bas-ket full of wish-es 
 3   4  -3*  -3
and off you start
 -3  -3* -2   -3   2  3   -1   -2
With Sun-day morn-ing in your heart.
  -3   4   -3*   3     2  3  -2
Round the bend you'll see a sign 
   1   -2    -1   3
"Dream-er's High-way."
-3  4  -3*  3   2    3   -2
Hap-pi-ness is down the line, 
-2 -3* 3   4
Go-ing my way?
 3    4     -3*    -3  -2
The smiles you’ll gath-er 
 -5   4    -3* -1  3
will look well on you,
2  3  -2   -3*   -1 -2 -1*  4  -3*
Oh I hope you're go-ing my way too.
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: Bb

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