Gentle On My Mind (chromatic)

Gentle On My Mind (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: John Hartford, Glen Campbell
By: John Hartford
Glen Campbell
Key: C

 3    3    3    3    3   3
It's know-ing that your door  
3  3   3   3  3
is al-ways o-pen 
 3   -3   3   2   -1  1   -1
And your path is free to walk 
 -2    -2  -2  -2  -1   -2
That makes me tend to leave  
-2   -2  -1  -2    -2   -2
my sleep-ing bag rolled up 
 3     2    -1   1   -1    2
And stashed be-hind your couch. 
 2    3    3   3   3   3    3    2
And it's know-ing I'm not shack-led  
3   2   3   3    3    3   3 2
By for-got-ten words and bonds 
 3   3   3    3     3    -3    3   
And the ink-stains that have dried 
2  -1  1    -1
up-on some line. 
 -2    -2  -2  -2 -1   -2    -2
That keeps you in the back-roads  
-2 -1  -2  -2  -2 -2 -2   -2
By the riv-ers of my mem-'ry 
 -2    -2  -2  -2  3  2   1  -1  1   1  
That keeps you ev-er gen-tle on my mind
Жанр: Кантри
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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