Friends(For Kids)

Friends(For Kids)

Автор мелодии: Brian Fitzgerald
Friends Brian Fitzgerald

 3    3  5  5  -4  5   -4  4
Well im go-ing to the sta-ble

 3   3  5   5  -4 4   -4
Gon-na sad-dle up a horse

 3     3    5   5   -4
Then I’ll ride my horse

 3  3   5    4   -4    4
All a-round the race-course

 4   5  6   -6 5   4
And if he’s a win-ner

  4    4    5   5   -4  5  -4  4
Then I’ll take him out to din-ner

  -3    4   -4    -4   -4   4   -3
We’ll have oats, hay, bran and chaff

  4    -4    -4   -4   4    3
We’ll talk, joke sing and laugh

 3  4   -4   4  -4
And we wont go home

  3   3   3   3  3   3    5  -4 -4   4
Till the mid-dle of the next af-ter-noon

Жанр: Детские мелодии
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: G

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