Free Wheelin’

Free Wheelin’

Автор мелодии: Lorraine Milne
Free Wheeling            Lorraine Milne

 6 -6   6  -6   6   -6  6    5  -4  5  -6
Ev-ry time it comes a-round to sat-ur-day

 -6  -6  -6   6   -6  -6  -6  6   7  -6   6 
And you know its just a does-n’t mat-ter day

 6  -6    6  -6   6  -6 6   5   -4  5  -6
You may like to have a nit-ter-nat-ter day

-6  -6 -6   6  5   6  5  4  3  3  -3  3  3
But I like to get up and go on my bi-cy-cle


  4    -3   4   5   -4  4  -4
Free wheel-ing rid-ing my bike

  4    -3   4   5    -4  4  -4
Free wheel-ing  go where I like

4     -3    4   5  -4  4  -4
Free wheel-ing sat-ur-day hike

 4    -3  4   -4   4 -3   5   -4   4  -5   5
Roll-ing and rid-ing im coast-ing and gli-ding

-4 6   3     5    5    4
On my free wheel-ing bike!
Жанр: Детские мелодии
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: G

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