For You

For You

Автор мелодии: ColdPlay


-5    5    -5   5   -5  5  -4
If you're lost and feel a-lone

 -5  5   -5 5  -5   5    -4
Cir-cum-nav-i-gate the globe,

 -5  5  -5  5  -5   5  -4
All you ev-er have to hope.

 5   4   -5  5   -5  5   -5   5  -4
For two and the way you seem to flow

 -5  5   -5 5  -5   5  -4
Cir-cum-nav-i-gate in hope

 -5   5   -5   5  -5   5   -4     5   4
And they seem to lose con-trol, with you.

-5  5  -5  5 -5  5  -4
Ev-ry-one of us is hurt,

-3b -5  5  -5  5 -5  5   -4
And ev-ry-one of us is scarred,

-5  5  -5  5 -5  5   -4     5   4
Ev-ry-one of us is scared, not you

 -5   -5   -6b    4
Yeah your eyes closed,

 -5   -6b  -4    -5   -6b  -4   4
Your head hurts your eyes feel low,

-5  5  -5  5 -5  5   -4     
Ev-ry-one of us is scared

-5  5  -5  5 -5  5  -4
Ev-ry-one of us is hurt

-5  5  -5  5 -5  5   -4    5   4
Ev-ry-one of us has hope, For you

Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: B

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