Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me

Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me

Автор мелодии: Duke Ellington, Nina Simone
W: Bob Russell
M: Edward "Duke" Ellington
Nat King Cole, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday
Key: G

4   -3  -3*  -4  -5   4    -3  -4
Do noth-ing till you hear from me,
 4  -3 -3* -4  -5  4   -3     -4
Pay no at-ten-tion to what's said.
 4  -3  -3*  -4  -5    4   -3 -4 3  -1     1
Why peo-ple tear the seams of an-y-one's dreams
-3*-4 -1  2   3
Is ov-er my head.

4   -3  -3* -4   -5   4    -3  -4
Do noth-ing till you hear from me,
4   -3   -3* -4  -5  4  -3  -4
At least con-sid-er our ro-mance.
4  -3    -3*   -4  -5   4
If you should take the word 
-3 -4   3   -1      1
of oth-ers you've heard,
-3* -4 -1  2    3
I have-n't a chance.

 3     3    3    -3*  3    -3*  3   3
True, I've been seen with some-one new,
 3    3   3    -3*   3  -3* 3   3 
But does that mean that I'm un-true?
 3     3   3  -5
When we're a-part, 
-1    2   3  -4  -2*
The words in my heart 
3   -3  -2 -2* -3 -3* -4  -5
Re-veal how I feel a-bout you.

 4    -3  -3*  -4   -5  4 -3 -4
Some kiss may cloud my mem-o-ry,
 4  -3 -3*  -4  -5   4  -3   -4
And oth-er arms may hold a thrill,
 4   -3    -3*  -4  -5
But please, do noth-ing 
 4   -3   -4  3   -1  1
till you hear it from me
-3* -4  -1  2   3
And you nev-er will.

Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: G

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