Come, Josephine In My Flying Machine

Come, Josephine In My Flying Machine

Автор мелодии: from: "Titanic"
W: Alfred Bryan
M: Fred Fisher
Maire Brennan
From: Titanic
Key: C
Time: 3/4

 3   2  -2   3   -3 -4  4  -4  5    6
Come Jo-se-phine in my fly-ing ma-chine
-5  5  -4 -5   -2  -4 -5   -2
Go-ing up she goes up she goes
-2   -1   2    -2   3  -3  -4 -3* -4 -5
Bal-ance your-self like a bird on a beam
4  -4  -3   4   2    -3    4   2
In the air she goes there she goes
3   4  -3 -4  -5  -4   -3  3*
Up, up, a lit-tle bit high-er
3   4   -3   -4  -5 -4 -3 3*
Oh, my, the moon is on fi-re
 3   2  -2   3   -3 -4  4  -4  5    6
Come Jo-se-phine in my fly-ing ma-chine
-5  4  -4  -3  3    6    5
Go-ing up  All on  Good-bye.
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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