Cheaper To Keep Her

Cheaper To Keep Her

Автор мелодии: Johnnie Taylor, The Blues Brothers
By: Mack Rice
Johnnie Taylor, The Blues Brothers
Key: C

(You’re tied up, you better stay tied up,
‘cause it’s cheaper to keep her.
This is from T. He says,

-3*    5  -3* 3   -5*  5 
It’s cheap-er to keep her
 3     7   -6 -5* -6 -5*5 
It’s cheap-er to keep her
-5*   -5* -5* -5*  -5*  5   -3* -5*
When your lit-tle girl make you mad,
 5  -3*  5 -3* 5 -3* -5*
And you get an at-ti-tude
-3*  5    -5   -3
And pack your bags;
 -6  -6   6    -6   6   -6
Five lit-tle child-ren that
  6     -6  -6  6    7
You’re leav-ing be-hind
 5    -3    5   -3  5   -3 -5* -3 -3 -3 
Son, you’re gon-na pay some al-i-mon-y
-3* 5  -3*  -5*
Or do some time
  5     5    5    5  -3* 3   -5*  5 
That’s why it’s cheap-er to keep her
-3*    7   -6 -5* -6 -5*5
It’s cheap-er to keep her

 5    -6  -6  -6  -6   -6
See, when you get to stare
 -6    -6  -6 -6   7
That judge in the face
  3    -3  5   5   -3   5
You’re gon-na want to cuss
 3   -5*  -5* 5  -5 5  
The whole hu-man race 
  5     5    5    5  -3* 3    6   5
That’s why it’s cheap-er to keep her
 5    -5*  -6  5  -5*  5
It’s cheap-er to keep her
 3    -3*  5   3    -3*  5   3    -3*  5
It’s cheap-er it’s cheap-er it’s cheap-er
 3    -3*  5   5    -5*  -6 5  -5* 5-3*3-2-1*
It’s cheap-er it’s cheap-er to keep   her
Жанр: Соул
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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