Carry That Weight(Chromatic)

Carry That Weight(Chromatic)

Автор мелодии: The Beatles
+9    +9   -9 +10 +11 +11 -10  -9  
Boy, you're gon-na car--ry that weight,
+11 +11 -10   -9    +7  +9  +10
Car--ry that weight a long time.
 +9    +9   -9 +10 +11 +11 -10  -9
Boy, you're gon-na car--ry that weight,
+11 +11 -10   -9    +7  +9  +10
Car--ry that weight a long time.

+10 +10 +10 +10  +10 +10 +10 -9
I   nev--er give you my  pil-low,
-9 -9 -9 -9   -9  -9 -10 +10  -9   +7  
I  on-ly send you my  in--vi--ta- tions.
+9  +9 +9  +9 +9  +9 +9  -9 +10 -8  -7
And in the middle of the cel-e--bra-tions,
<+7   -7   +9      
 I  break down.--- -9 -9 +10  +10 -9
+9    +9    -9 +10 +11 +11 -10  -9
Boy, you're gon-na car--ry that weight,      
+11 +11 -10  -9     +7  +9  +10
Car--ry that weight a long time.
+9    +9    -9 +10 +11 +11 -10  -9
Boy, you're gon-na car--ry that weight,      
+11 +11 -10  -9    +7  +9  +10
Car--ry that weight a long time.
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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