can`t let maggie go

can`t let maggie go

Автор мелодии: honeybus
6    6    6   7    7  -6    6   6
she makes me laugh,she makes me cry
 5   5  -6 -6   5 -4  -4
with a twinkle of her eye
-4   4     7  -6 -7   -6 6  65-44
she flys like a bird in the sky
 4   4    7  -6 -7
she flys like a bird
-6  6 -6    6    5  -4   4
and i wish that she was mine
 4   4    7  -6 -7
she flys like a bird
-6  6 6  -6-5
oh me oh my
5 -4   4   4
i see her sigh
 7 -6 -7  -6 -6     6  5 -4    4
now i know i can`t let maggie go

we walk here, we walk there
people stop and people stare

   repeat chorus three times to finish.
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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