By the Waters of the Minnetonka

By the Waters of the Minnetonka

Автор мелодии: Richard Crooks / Sioux Tribe
According to one account, "By the Waters" was inspired by an ancient
Sioux love song sung for Lieurance in 1911 by one Sitting Eagle. The
legend associated with the song has also been preserved and reads like
a Native American version of Romeo and Juliet.

**NOTE: Might not be exactly right in some spots, but close. YouTube
this song by Richard Cook for his version.

3 5   5 4  3 6  -6 5
Moon Deer, How  near 

5 -4    5 -4   4 3 -2 2
Your    soul   divine.

3 5   5 4   3 6  -6 5
Sun  Deer,  No   fear 

5    5 -4   5 -4   3 4
In   heart    of    mine.

  5    -4      5   -4
Skies blue,  O'er you. 

 -4    4    -4     4
Look down,  In   love;

  5     -4      5    -4
Waves bright, Give light 
3   -5    3    6
As  on  they move.

3 5     5 4   3 6   -6  5
Hear   thou,  My    vow 

5-4   5-4     4 3    -2 2
To    live,    to    die.

3 5  5 4     3 6   -6 5 
Moon Deer,  Thee  near, 

5  5 -4    5     -2 4
Beneath   this   sky.
Жанр: Любовные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих

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