By the rivers of Babylon (more)

By the rivers of Babylon (more)

Автор мелодии: William Wallace
3   3   4   4   -4  5  5  5 
By the riv-ers  of Bab-y-lon, 

  3    4   -4  5 
where He  sat down, 

  5   -5   5  -4 
and there He wept, 

-4  -4  -4  5  -4   4  4 
when He re-mem-bers Zi-on

   6       7  -6  6        5   5   5      -4 4    -4  5 5 5
cause de wicked car-ried us  away   cap-tivity 

-4   4     4    -4    4  -2/3   4
we cry out from us      a   song

   4     4     4    4 -4      5  5      5  -5   5   -4         4
how can we singing of our song in a strange land
Ключ гармошки: G

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