Body And Soul (chromatic)

Body And Soul (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Billie Holiday, Diana Krall
W: E. Heyman, R. Sour & F. Eyton
M: Johnny Green
Billie Holiday, Diana Krall, Anita Baker
Key: Db, D, Db

Key: Db

-5*  -6 -5* -6  -5* -7* -7*
My heart is sad and lone-ly 
 7* -7* 7* -7*
For you I sigh, 
 7* -9*   9*   9 -7*
For you, dear, on-ly 
 9* -7*  -6* -3*  -6 -5*
Why have-n’t you seen it 
5*  -5* -6  7* 7* -7* 6   5*
my-self to you bod-y and soul 
-5* -6  -5* -6  -5* -7* -7*
I spend my days in long-ing 
 7* -7*   7*   -7*
And won-d’ring why 
 7* -9*   9*     9   -7*
It’s me you’re wrong-ing 
8* -7* -6* -3* -6 -5*
I tell you I mean it 
 5* -5* -6   7* 7* -7* 6   5*
I’m all for you bod-y and soul 

Key: D

-5  6   -6* -7   -7
I can’t be-lieve it, 
 -7   -9  -9 -6*  -7   -7
It’s hard to con-ceive it 
 7    -6*  -6* -5  6  5   -3
That you’d turn a-way ro-mance 
-5   6  -6   -7  -7
Are you pre-tend-ing 
7   10    10  -8  -9  -9
It looks like the end-ing 
-7  8   8  -7    -8
Un-less I could have  
-8   7     6   -5*  -5   -7*
One more chance to prove dear 

Key: Db

-5* -6 -5* -6    -5*   -7* -7*
My life a wreck you’re mak-ing 
 7*  -7*  7*  -7*   7*  -9*  9*  9  -7*
You know I’m yours for just the tak-ing 
 8* -7* -6* -3* -6  -5*
I’d glad-ly sur-ren-der 
5* -5*  -6  7* 7* -7* 6   5*
My-self to you bod-y and soul
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C#

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