Blowin In The Wind

Blowin In The Wind

Автор мелодии: Bob Dylan
6   6  6  -6    6  -5  6   5 -4   4
How man-y roads must a man wa-lk down

 5   6   6   -6   6 -5  6
be-fore you call him a man?

 5  -5   6   6  6  -6   
Yes 'n' how man-y seas 

 6 -5   6    5 -4   4
must a white do-ve sail

 5   6   5    -5   -5  5   -4
be-fore she sleeps in the sand?

 5  -5   6   6  6  -6   
Yes 'n' how man-y times 

 6   -5   6   6   5 -4   4
must the can-non ba-lls fly

 5   6     6    -6   6 -5    6
be-fore they're for-ev-er banned?

 5  -5  -5    5   -4    
The an-swer, my friend, 

-4   5   5   5 -4    4
is blow-in' in the wind,

 5  -5  -5   5  -4  -4   4 -4    4
The an-swer is blow-in' in the wind.

these last three lines sound better when played as chords. In fact so
does the rest of the tune.

Примеры иcполнений мелодии

Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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