at the club

at the club

Автор мелодии: the drifters
5    5  5    5   -4   -5 5   -4    4-4 4
well friday night has finally come around
 6  6   6  66   6  6  7   -7 -7  -6   6  -66
me and my baby gonna head for a spot we found
 -8    7-7  -6 -8   7   -7
we`re gonna forget our cares
-6   -8   7  -7-6 -7  -66
and dance on into the night
 3   -3  4    5
down at the club
6  -6 6 -6    -5 -5 5    5
oh everything is outta sight
7-6   7  7  -6 6
down at the club
  6   -6 -7  6    5  -5   5 4 6-5  -5   5  4
we`re gonna say that it`s alright it`s alright
Жанр: Соул
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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