All Star

All Star

Автор мелодии: Smashmouth
So this may sound a little weird at first but by the time you get
through sounds like it. After I started figuring this one
out..I realized it was kind of dull but I had to finish it..hope you
all enjoy it..

 +4  -5 +5  +5   -4  +4  +4  -5   +5 +5  -4  -4  +4
Some-bod-y once told me the world is gon-na roll me

+4  -5   +5  +5    -4  -4  +4  +4  -3 +3
I ain't the sharp-est tool in the  she-d

+4   +4  -5   +5  +5  -4  -4
She was look-ing kind of dumb

+4   +4   -5 +5   +5  -4   -4 
with her fin-ger and her thumb

+4  +4   -5  +5 -4  -4 +4 +4   -3  +3
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

+5   +4   +4   +4  +4  +4   +4  +4   +4  +4  +4  +5
Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play

+5   +4   +4   +4 +4   +4  +4   +4  +4  +4 +4   +5
Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on get paid

+4   +5  +6   -5   +5  -4  -4 +4
And all that glit-ters is  gol-d

+4 +4  -4   +4   -5 +5  -4   +4   +3
On-ly shoot-ing sta-rs break the mol-d
Жанр: Поп
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Сложность: Для начинающих
Ключ гармошки: C

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