All God’s Children Got Shoes (2nd pos)

All God’s Children Got Shoes (2nd pos)

Автор мелодии: African-American Spiritual
African-American Spiritual
Key: G
Harp: C

3  3  3  -3   3   3  3  -3
6  6  6  -7   6   6  6  -7
I got a shoe you got a shoe

-3   -3    -3   -3”  3   -3
-7   -7    -7   -6   6   -7
all God's chil-dren got shoes 

 -3 -3 -3  -3  -3  -3” 3  3  -3” -3”-3  -3”
 -7 -7 -7  -7  -7  -6  6  6  -6  -6 -7  -6
When I get to heav-en gon-na put on my shoes 

 3   2  -1   3    3  -3” 3
 6   5  -4   6    6  -6  6
I'm gon-na tromp all ov-er 

  2    -1  3   -1  -3”
  5    -4  6   -4  -6
God's heav-en heav-en 

-3  -3 -3 -3  -3  -3”   3    -3” -3”
-7  -7 -7 -7  -7  -6    6    -6  -6
Ev-‘ry-bod-y talk-in' ‘bout heav-en 

 -3” -3 -3 3     2    -1  3   -1  -3”
 -6  -7 -7 6     5    -4  6   -4  -6
ain't a go-in' there heav-en heav-en 

 3  -3” -3   -3  -3”3    2    -1  3
 6  -6  -7   -7  -6 6    5    -4  6
Gon-na tromp all ov-er God's heav-en 

I got a robe, you got a robe 
all God's children got a robe
When I get to heaven gonna put on my robe
I'm gonna shout all over God's heaven heaven 
Everybody talkin' bout heaven 
ain't goin' there heaven heaven 
Gonna shout all over God's heaven 

I got a harp, you got a harp 
all of God's children got a harp. Oh Glory
When I get to heaven gonna play on my harp
I'm gonna play all over God's heaven heaven 
Everybody talkin' bout heaven 
ain't goin' there heaven heaven 
Gonna play all over God's heaven 

I got wings, you get wings, 
all got children got wings, 
when I get to heaven gonna put on my wings 
I'm gonna fly! FLY!
 Everybody talkin' bout heaven 
ain't going there heaven, heaven, 
going to fly all over,
going to shout all over 
going play all over 
gonna walk all over god's heaven
Жанр: Религиозные
Тип гармошки: Блюзовая
Ключ гармошки: G

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