Across The Western Ocean (chromatic)

Across The Western Ocean (chromatic)

Автор мелодии: Irish sea chantey
Irish sea chantey
Key: D

-1  2   -2*  -2*  -2*  2  -1  -2* -2*-2*
Oh the times are hard and the wag-es low
-1 2  2     2    2   -2*  -3
A-me-lia, where you bound to?
-3   -4 -3  -3   -2*  -3  -3  -1
The Rock-y Moun-tains are my home
2  -2*  -2*  -2*  2  2  -1
A-cross the west-ern o-cean.

-1  2   -2* -2* -2* 2-1  -2*    -2*  -2*
Oh the land of prom-ise there you'll see
-1 2  2     2    2   -2*  -3
A-me-lia, where you bound to?
-3   -4  -3  -3   -2*   -3  -3  -1
I'm bound a-cross that west-ern Sea.
2   -2* -2* -2* 2  2  -1
To join the I-rish ar-my

-1  2  -2* -2* -2*  2-1  -2* -2*-2*
And to Liv-er-pool I'll take my way
-1 2  2     2    2   -2*  -3
A-me-lia, where you bound to?
-3 -4  -3  -3   -2* -3  -3    -1
To Liv-er-pool that Yan-kee school.
2  -2*  -2*  -2*  2  2  -1
A-cross the west-ern o-cean.

 -1 2   -2* -2* -2* -2*
There's Liv-er-pool Pat 
 2   -1  -2*  -2*  -2*
with his tar-p’lin hat
-1 2  2     2    2   -2*  -3
A-me-lia, where you bound to?
-3  -4  -3   -3  -2*  -3  -3 -1
And Yan-kee John the pack-et rat.
2  -2*  -2*  -2*  2  2  -1
A-cross the west-ern o-cean.

-1 2-2* -2*  -2* 2-1 -2*  -2*-2* 
Be-ware the pack-et ships, I say,
-1 2  2     2    2   -2*  -3
A-me-lia, where you bound to?
 -3    -4   -3    -3   -2*   -3   -3 -1
They steal your stores and clothes a-way. 
2  -2*  -2*  -2*  2  2  -1
A-cross the west-ern o-cean.
Жанр: Фолк
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: D

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