A Good Man Is Hard To Find

A Good Man Is Hard To Find

Автор мелодии: Bessie Smith, Les Brown
By: Eddie Green
Bessie Smith, Les Brown
Key: C

3  3*  -3  2   -1* 2   -3
A good man is hard to find, 
 2  -1*  2  -3  -1   1* -1  -3
you al-ways get the oth-er kind 
 -3*  -4  -3    3    -4  3  -3  3   -4
Just when you think that he is your pal,
 3   4    3* -3  -2*  3   -1*
you look for him and find him 
 2   -1*    2    3    2  -1  1
fool-ing 'round some oth-er gal 
 3    3*  -3    1  -1* 2  -3
Then you rave, you ev-en crave 
2  -1*  2  -3  -1  1* -1   -3
to see him lay-ing in his grave 
3*  -3  -4   4  4   -4    -3  3  3*  -3
So, if your man is nice, take my ad-vice 
 3   4  -3  3   2   -1   1
and hug him in the morn-ing, 
 4   -3  3   2  -1 1
kiss him ev-'ry night, 
 4    1   -1 -1*  2  4     -1*   2    1
give him plen-ty lov-in', treat him right 
 3  3* -3  -4  -3 -4  -3  -4  -3  3   4
For a good man now-a-days is hard to find, 
3* -3  -4  -3 -4  -3  -4  -3  3   4
a good man now-a-days is hard to find
Жанр: Джаз
Тип гармошки: Хроматическая
Ключ гармошки: C

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